Guidelines for payment
- The deadline for payment of the registration fee is 6. May 2024.
- The deadline for payment for A/H/B cards is 6. May 2024 to account number 3000.22.00100.
- Teams that purchase A/H/B cards must pay in total for the entire team.
- Teams that purchase H-cards receive an invoice for registration and a separate invoice for the cards.
- Teams that buy «No Card» do not need to buy A/H/B cards.
- Teams can print invoices directly from the registration module.
- The invoice number must be entered on the payment, together with information about the team. Example: Start, G10, 10 A-card.
- If there are additional participants/participants who withdraw, an additional invoice/credit note can be issued.
Guidelines for reimbursement
- Teams that have not paid by 1. June 2024 will be withdrawn from the tournament unless otherwise agreed.
- Teams that withdraw after 1. June 2024 will not be refunded the registration fee of NOK. 1.750.
- For a reduction in the number of H-cards after 1. May, the customer must cover half the price of the number of H-cards that are reduced.
- Teams that withdraw after 1. June 2024 must pay NOK. 500 per. A-card.
- Teams that withdraw after 1. June 2024 must pay NOK. 100 per B-card.
- Teams that withdraw before 1. June 2024, and who have paid for «No Card», will be refunded the excess of NOK. 1.750.
- Teams that withdraw after 1. June 2024, and who have paid for «No Card», must pay the full fee.
For foreign teams, the following details must be used for payment:
IBAN: NO2430002200100
Swift: SPSONO22
You need your clubs name and address in order to complete the payment.
In addition, the name of the team and which class you are registered to must also be submitted.
Contact details
Regarding registration and payment
Ole Gerhard Sørensen
Telephone: 997 30 916