
Bli med på fotballfest på Sørlandet!

21.-25. juni 2025


The star class


The star class is for people with disabilities. The class is open to all ages and genders.

Matches and playing time

The teams play a minimum of 4 matches, of which 3 are preliminaries and 1 is a playoff. The matches will be played on Saturday and Sunday 21-22. June 2025 at Kristiansand Stadium and Sparebanken Sør Arena . Finalene spilles på Sparebanken Sør Arena søndag 22. juni.

Playing time in the matches is 2x 20 minutes.


We have chosen to run the following classes:

ClassFormatPlaying timeAge range
A7’s2×20 minOpen age
B5’s2×20 minOpen age
C5’s2×20 minOpen age
D3’s2×20 minOpen age

Clean layers

These teams consist only of disabled people, divided into four classes; A, B, C and D, where A is the highest functioning and D is for the lowest functioning.

AVery well functioningThe players have excellent technique, understanding of the game and physics
– i.e. the player can dribble, center, shoot, tackle, dampen and heave.
BWell-functioningPlayers have some technique, understanding of the game and/or physicality.
They can dribble, center, shoot, tackle, block and heave to some degree.
CLess well-functioningThe players have some technique and understanding of the game and poor physics/motor skills.
DWeakly functioningThe players have very little tactical understanding and few technical skills.


We also follow NFF’s Guidelines and regulations for football for adapted football.

Participation and accommodation

Participants can choose to stay at a school (A-card), a hotel via the cup (H-card) or arrange their own accommodation (B-card). It is also possible to only pay for registration, in which case only matches are included.

Price list

Registration fee for teams with participation card

ProductsProduct price
Entry fee per team of 7: Kr. 1.850
Entry fee per team of 5: Kr. 1.800
Entry fee per team of 3: Kr. 1.750

Prices A-card

A-card per player/manager with 2 overnight stays Kr. 1.100
A-card per player/manager with 3 overnight stays Kr. 1.500
A-card per player/manager with 4 overnight stays Kr. 2.000
Family members can buy an A-card.

Prices H-card

ProductsProduct price
H-card per person 2 nights (3- or 4-bed room) Kr. 2.250
H-card per person 4 nights (3- or 4-bed room) Kr. 4.400
H-card per person 2 nights (double room) Kr. 3.000
H-card per person 4 nights (double room) Kr. 5.400
H-card per person 2 nights (single room) Kr. 4.500
H-card per person 4 nights (single room) Kr. 8.000
Family members can buy H-cards.

Prices B-card

ProductsProduct price
B-card per player/manager Kr. 300
B-card per player/manager from NFF Agder Kr. 250
Family members can buy B cards.
Teams that redeem B-cards must redeem B-cards for at least 1 coach. coach.

Entry fee for teams without participant card

ProductsProduct price
Registration fee for 7-a-side football: Kr. 3.500
Registration fee for 5-a-side football: Kr. 3.000
Registration fee for 3s football: Kr. 2.500

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